After a WordPress Website Is Upgraded Print

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In order to make sure your website is working as you expect after is upgraded to a new version of WordPress, we highly recommend you complete the following Quality Assurance test as soon as possible:

- Visit the different pages on your website and make sure they look and work as before.

- Test each of your forms through a test submission that includes the name of the page you are submitting it from. After this, it is very important that you confirm you have received each of the submissions in your email account.

- In the backend of your website (WP Admin), please create a new test page. Make an edit to it, save changes and delete it after. If you don't see any errors as you go through the process, then the system is working as expected.

- If your website has a Blog, create a new post and include it under a Category and Tag to it. Make an edit to it, save changes and delete it after. Also, create and delete a new Category and Tag for testing purposes. If you don't see any errors as you go through the process, then the system is working as expected.

- If your website has a Shopping Cart, make sure you can:

  • Create, edit and delete Products
  • Complete a purchase from the beginning to the end. Make sure you have received the payment on your payment provider. In order to test this feature, we strongly suggest you complete an actual purchase on your website that you can refund to your credit card later.

- If your website has an Events area, make sure you can:

  • Create and delete new Events
  • Complete an Event registration from the beginning to the end. This includes receiving an email notification with the new registrant.
  • If Events are not free, complete a purchase from the beginning to the end. Make sure you have received the payment on your payment provider. In order to test this feature, we strongly suggest you complete an actual purchase on your website that you can refund to your credit card later.

- Finally, visit WP-Admin > Appearance > Widgets > (Sidebar Name) and make sure you can see the content of the widgets (just open and close the widgets as a way to confirm this).

If any of these features are not working as described above or as you expect, please contact the Kobayashi Online team submitting a ticket or sending an email message to and we'll look into it as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your help,
The Kobayashi Online Team

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